A Love Letter to Mary Jane
“Don’t yuck my yum!” Respect and have empathy for what others may like or celebrate. My cannasexual journey started from a place of miseducation, stigma, and fear. Unfortunately, yucking other people’s yum is how I began my relationship with Mary Jane. I was under the notion that I would end up a “failure” or “loser” condemned to spend the rest of my life in my mom’s basement. It wasn’t until I broke past the propaganda I was fed then enjoyed Her with someone I considered “successful.” Definitely, not on track to end up in their parent’s basement. I found myself wanting to know beyond what I was shown in the media.
It was later that I discovered cousins I looked up to, loved Her and I didn’t know. They had been doing so for years, but were not open about it. Coming out about my love for Mary Jane to my parents made them more open with me. They were delighted to share their negative and positive experiences.To be fair, my parents were never against Her, but they just encouraged me to focus on other opportunities. They always answered my questions and never discouraged me from consuming Her. Most of the limits I grew up with I set upon myself.
5 years after I was first captivated by MJ, I began to question why I enjoyed and felt the need to consume Her daily. I also wanted to know why I was using Her consistently and more frequently than my friends around me. Following these internal questions, I began a solo social experiment after visiting California and Colorado. Medical versus the legacy market gave me the insights I was looking for.
I was able to understand how varying dosages (10g, 20g, 50g ect) of Her would affect me. How a specific strain would impact my ability to work throughout the day, be creative, help with sleep or more. With more variety of Her, information about Her strains and the creative ways to infuse Her into my everyday life, I noticed the escalating positive benefits. She helps me stay positive instead of going into an anxiety spiral. I can go into a creative state of mind and think about how to curate more inclusive sex positive safe spaces. In addition to helping me sleep and feel rested when I wake up She can elevate arousal and pleasure by increasing blood flow to my genitals. .
When it comes to the roll up of Mary Jane;
I take my time to create a ritual of selecting my girl, grinding just the right amount, then ceremoniously rolling and inhaling the terpene profile around my mouth. My first inhale, I want to get the full body feel of Her and trace back the flavors wafting around my tongue. I indulge in a moderately deep inhale, so I can hold Her in then gently take in another that carries the rich embodiment of Her essence. I want to hold Her for a few moments longer before slowly releasing through my nose and mouth while I exhale in euphoria. At this point, I have ignited all of my senses. I see, touch, smell, taste then finally hear the burn of Her swaddled in my favorite natural hemp paper. Our ceremony repeats with each inhale, until Her flame touches my filtered tip.
About the author
Tiana GlittersaurusRex aka “Smokey Spice,” has been featured about cannabis, alternative lifestyles and sex positivity. She has a passion for building community through curating experiences that celebrate inclusivity and education.
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