Watch better porn, have better sex.

Watch better porn, have better sex.

Ready for the sex life you’ve always wanted?

Porn is the #1 place people learn about sex, but the type of porn we watch matters.

afterglow is porn you can feel good about learning from. We combine sex ed and porn to create high-quality, ethical films focused on female pleasure. Watch with a partner or by yourself – an evening with afterglow is a new kind of self-care.

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Porn For Every Desire

Porn you can learn from

Join the 90% of afterglow customers who report an improvement in their sex life.

Improve Communication

Not sure how to ask for what you want? From dirty talk to cunnilingus, learn to speaking up and discover the power of your words.

Banish Insecurities

Don't have the perfect porn body? Neither do our favorite stars! See diverse performers enjoying authentic pleasure and learn how to be the star of the sex life you've always wanted.

Explore Fantasies

Feel good about getting off with afterglow, a new type of porn that helps you explore your deepest desires.

“I reccomend afterglow to couples with low libido or mismatched desire. Watching afterglow helps women listen to their bodies and feel arousal through hot yet realistic potrayls of sex. Watching afterglow’s porn can make it easier to communicate your needs and desires.”



– Nicole Kammerlocher, AASECT Certified Sex Therapist

Improve Communication
Banish Insecurities
Explore Fantasies

Level Up Your Porn Experience

What we watch and how we watch it can have a huge impact on our experience. Want to learn how to watch porn without the shame or guilt? Check out these tips from Kels & Tess.


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Pieces of Her

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afterglow Pleasure Recaps
Sex therapists, educators, academics, and porn stars all agree: sex is a skill. And afterglow’s Pleasure recaps are your new sexy professor.
Pleasure recaps are afterglow’s expert study guides. They are companion pieces to each film that help you process what you saw on screen and take it into your IRL sex life.  Learn about the latest sex research, reflect on key topics explored the film, and get resources for hands-on practice.