Whoop·de·doo vibrator review
Lilly Sparks, Chief Pleasure Queen at afterglow (otherwise known as CEO), tried out a $300 vibrator called the Whoop·de·doo. Here’s what she thought.
What Lilly loved about the Whoop·de·doo vibrator
1. It has three motors, so you can customize the sensation
Each motor in the Whoop·de·doo is set for a different vibration length and pattern. This means you can customize your vibration to get that magical, all-over stimulation feeling.
2. It has three intensity modes
You can turn the intensity up or down for a vibe tailored to your sensitivity.
3. It’s quiet enough to be discreet
Because self-love shouldn’t have to be limited to the times when your roommates are out of the house.
4. The shape makes the Whoop·de·doo easy to hold
It’s also flexible, which gives you more control when you’re using it.
5. It can be used for external and internal stimulation
Get yourself a vibrator that can do both. ✨
In her review, Lilly compares the Whoop·de·doo with Bellesa’s aurora vibrator, to help you decide whether a $300 vibe is right for you. Watch the full review to see what she thinks.
[button link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LbYXcRmRKU” type=”big” color=”black” newwindow=”yes”] Watch Lilly’s review[/button]
About the Whoop·de·doo vibrator
The Whoop·de·doo vibrator is unique because it has a total of three vibration motors inside that can deliver either highly intense vibrations or very soothing and gentle ones along its entire length. Thanks to special technology, the Vibrator is wholly flexible.
It’s covered in medical-grade silicone, rechargeable, water resistant and, most importantly, 100% hygienic.
[button link=”https://whoopdedoo.me/en/” type=”big” color=”black” newwindow=”yes”] Learn more about Whoop·de·doo[/button]
Inspired to try it out? Use the code XOWHOOPDEDOO for free shipping through February 14.
[button link=”https://whoopdedoo.me/en/products/vibrator-en/” type=”big” color=”black” newwindow=”yes”] Try the Whoop·de·doo[/button]
60% of women are dissatisfied with their sex lives. We’re on a mission to change that.
What if you didn’t have to search to find a body that looks like yours, a sex act that turns you on, or a guided exercise that helps you tell your partner exactly what you’ve been craving?
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