The Most Anticipated Movies
Praesent iaculis, purus ac vehicula mattis, arcu lorem blandit nisl, non laoreet dui mi eget elit. Donec porttitor ex vel augue maximus luctus. Vivamus finibus nibh eu nunc volutpat suscipit.
Sex & Disability: Thriving Sexually as a Disabled Person
Despite what mainstream media may want us to believe, people with disabilities can (and do!) have healthy, fulfilling sex lives. I should know… I’m one of them. Dating and having sex as a person with a disability can pose unique challenges. Whether you’re dating someone with a disability or living with one yourself, this guide […]
A 5-Minute Meditation to Help You Relax Into Pleasure
Fight, flight and collapse. Your nervous system is most likely moving between these states constantly. It’s what feels natural in all of us, but should it? Let’s ask ourselves this question: what would it be like to feel safe? Safe in your environment, safe in your own skin, safe in your thoughts. What would it feel […]
Sexuality and Gender Definitions by the LGBTQ+ Community
Pride month has come and gone, but celebrating the LGBTQ+ community is something we do year round here at afterglow. It can be tricky to define and talk about your sexuality. Lots of people don’t fit into a clear-cut category, and that’s okay. Sexuality and gender are fluid, and it’s perfectly fine to explore, with […]
I Like Watching Lesbian Porn, but I’ve Never Had Sex With a Woman
Lesbian porn is hot. But if you’re not having sex with women, you might feel confused about your porn preference. Here’s why so many women watch lesbian porn.
Porn and Performance Anxiety
Ever wondered if watching porn and performance anxiety are related? You’re not alone. Let’s talk about it
How Erika Uses Porn to Sexually Explore in Her Long-Term Relationship
"There can be this eroticism that comes from having a really deep connection with somebody," says Erika. "I think that's what you really get from films like Lip Service. afterglow is very reverent of the sexiness that exists within a relationship, which I think is really cool."
All Things Anal – An Interview With Dr. Evan Goldstein from ‘Future Method’
Have successful, pleasurable, anal sex with advice from Dr. Evan Goldstein, anal surgeon at Bespoke Surgical and Co-Founder of the brand ‘Future Method.’ Dr. Goldstein sat down with Kimberly, afterglow’s Content and Marketing Manager, to discuss all things anal.
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